View Profile Hamy-jamy

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Pacman you ate ma' pellets!

Pacman did totally get owned in that short and i have to say that i did find it slightly funny, so good work on that aspect. I like how you kept the original pacman designs, but maybe you should have added some voices in there so you could relay to the audience the joke better. The sound was the classic retro tune from the original and i liked that edition to it too. Good work with a cheap giggle.

(Kiss my ass XwaynecoltX)


How i remember the days when sticks use to be treasured and simple entries like this use to make it pass the blamming stage relatively easy. You did warn me that this wasnt good and that it was your first entry but that really just made me want to see it even more, now there isnt much to say about a stick jumping around and swinging on a pole. The graphics were nonexistent and the sound effects were cheap and harsh, oh well atleast you tried, or DID you?!

(Kiss my ass XwaynecoltX)

Wheres the beef!

Not a bad little short sir, i did really enjoy the design of the flash with the colors and texture, real nice. The joke itself was alright i mean i didnt throw myself onto the floor laughing, but i did find that the length of it was short and to the point, good work on another of your many flash shorts!

(Kiss my ass XwaynecoltX)

Bbqbeefburgerman responds:

Thanks mang.

Captain, back into the troups?

Hey well i was going to complain about the sound quality for the voices but you did have subtitles which made it a hell of alot easier to understand what was going on, in my opinion you spent way to much time talking out dialogue then getting in there and taking on the enemy, the background design also was extremely plain and the explosives werent that spectacular, but i do have to commend you on the character designs, even though they all look the same, the design is nice. Overall not a bad effort, quite solid.

(Kiss my ass XwaynecoltX)

I would like to give as many authors as i can, straight to the point feedback with my reviews. So it would be nice if you could return with a response :)

Age 37, Male


Open Universities Australia


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