View Profile Hamy-jamy

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DAMNIT, that was sooo smooth and peaceful, i knew he was going to eat that guy, like really why wouldnt you if he took out your only hair?


You were going to get 0 for this effort but because you shot him at the end i thought it was worth a 1 good effort maybe settle the sound down good luck.


lol?, now that was wierd, the noises that guy made were un holy, the graphics were lame but it was 4 years old


Meh, that was pretty lame not really user friendly, more pictures would have been nice and maybe some background noises.


Wow it was interactive too unbelievable, but what was with that snowing? didnt die hard 2 have slowing in it, i dont know just a useless piece of knowledge


indeed now that was an unusual ending, them elmo dolls are annoying, and that was pretty funny, just better graphics in the next one i hope.


lol?, that was so weird what was the point of this? the rhino throws them? it does a shit? why am i soooo confused??????


Indeed well this was pretty weak, nice effect trying to make it look like a tv screen and its great that you have been given your flash back i hope the other guy got what he deserves :P


Right round baby, round, round. Indeed well that was unusally similar to an idea i had afew years ago i didnt do it though... maybe i should have seeing how well your went good job


Once again this previous guy has not even watched the movie, there isnt any sound but he gives sound a 3????? wtf i dont get that but anyway it had a good msg KEEP IT UP!

I would like to give as many authors as i can, straight to the point feedback with my reviews. So it would be nice if you could return with a response :)

Age 37, Male


Open Universities Australia


Joined on 7/15/02

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