View Profile Hamy-jamy

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Good job

Firstly i have to say that the music chocie was great and the way you had the thrusting in time with the beat of the music was hilarious. The only thing i can think of to improve this would be the inclusion of voice actors, you could gain alot more humour by adding them. Overall a strange little flash with unique character designs makes this worthwhile.



I think the way you synchronized the music with the flashes of colors was quite good, though the music was kinda creepy it did suit in well. There is no way someone could watch this longer then a few seconds as im sure it would cause actual bodily harm to a person. Good try at getting a cult following.



I mean comparing this to todays flash standards is just not fair, you have to remember this is over eight years old (as i write this review) and so i put myself back into a 2001 state of mind to review this.

The stick figures are a bit of a little down in terms of character designs, though you at least made them all different colors. The use of voices for the characters was a great touch, i mean even today flash animators seem to forget this crucial part to making a flash movie great, you need voices, people dont want to read large amounts of text, you need to keep the viewer entertained, so great job with that. The continuation of this story was pretty captivating and i enjoyed your inclusion of interactivity for the kills. Overall a very solid 2001 entry.



Oh man this was hiliarious, the voice over guys voice just needed to be a little deeper, it just sounded rough rather then deep. The kill bill music suited in nicely. I thought the subtlety of the queue cards, including the reviewers quote were great. Like i said earlier the voice acting for the voice over guy might have been a little off but the fruits and vegetables had some great voices, id totally watch this film, even with all the bad puns!


Not bad

Its hard to do a flash movie and i can tell that you have just started out with the program, its hard but your going alright. You already have some important tools thatll help your future flash pojects including your use of music and a sense of humour. The graphics were alittle dodgy and the animation wasnt too smooth but hey, everyones gotta start somewhere, keep it up



I thought this worked well as a self contained short, all you needed to do was draw it out more at the starting screen to match the actual main screen from the game and you were on a winner. The voice that sung sega was terrific. Overall a promising start to a future series?


Oh man, what a nice suprise this was. Here on newgrounds you get so use to violence and nudity that it comes as a suprise when you come across something that is as wholesome as this was. I loved it. I mean the bears were well designed, the song was vey soothing, and you didnt try to top the song with your animation, you allowed them to collaborate together at the right level as to compliment each other. Overall i enjoyed this very much and actually feel a little tired after watching it because of how effective it was, not because it was boring btw!


PapaQ responds:

Thank you very much. I'm so glad with the response from Newgrounders like yourself and those above and below!


Fistly great selection for the music at the end. Your take on the Pooh character was grossly disturbing, in a good way. The voice actor who played the bear did a great job, a real disgruntled sounding voice. Also loved the sketchy-like look the character design and backgrounds had. Overall a great job!


I would like to give as many authors as i can, straight to the point feedback with my reviews. So it would be nice if you could return with a response :)

Age 37, Male


Open Universities Australia


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