View Profile Hamy-jamy

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That was way cool sir and you were able to pull it off with little to no real professionalism in the graphics or with the animation. You were a true underdog and were able to build a concept solely on the joke. I would love to see how this would turn out if you spent another couple of days working on the details of the graphics and maybe adding in a background because this idea was golden. Loved the music at the end, and your animation of the dance moves were unforgettable.

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Mr-Sun responds:

thanks for the review :-)


What i find that most people miss when they make a sprite based flash is variety and the ability to keep the viewer interested because the graphics can get quite tiresome. You on the other hand were able to keep the content of a high level throughout, i thought that your sound effect for when characters talked was hilarious, the pauses that is. The backgrounds were also well chosen and being able to choose a scene was fantastic. I would love for you to pick the pace up of the characters walking in the future as it took a long time for them to cover such short ground.

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Catchy tune, thats what has made this flash just so enjoyable to watch. I thought you were able to take a little known song and inject life into it by making a music video and a darn good one at that. You were able to create such beautiful characters and backgrounds that even though the animation wasn't that smooth in places it could be forgotten. I can't be more pleased with the fact that you added in subtitles, most forget this important part and it's something that i always look out for in a good music video. Lastly, props go out to syncing the song so well with the mouths, nicely done.

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Wonchop responds:

Thanks :D


It's amazing that this series has produced so many episodes, especially with the quality of graphics and animation in each one i would have thought that it would take a lot longer to bring them out but i suppose not. This episode was hilarious the chemistry of the conversation between the four girls was great. The voice acting is superb but because the character designs are so good it can be overlooked which is a shame. The jokes were professional and came thick and fast. Theres just so much good about this series its hard to know where the flaws are.

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Sirkowski responds:

Thank you!

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I'll voice my concerns before i tell you how much i loved this. The lack of a subtitle option annoyed me to be honest, i would have loved to have had the choice to see what was being said, and having it as an optional choice, that way the people that prefer not to know don't have to have them. Also the backgrounds were alittle too simple in some parts, but that is just being really picky. Now what you did right, you were able to bring that child to life with some of the best character design work and animation i have seen in awhile, the teddy bear was also well done, your shading and color effects were tremendous and the general outline of the music video was powerful.

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Oh bravo sir, not often do i get to see something that is light hearted enough that i can show my family but this was so sweet. You had everything done right, from the beautiful music to the fat baby it was all warm and fuzzy. The animation wasn't the smoothest i have seen but it wasn't much of a big deal, maybe because i fell for the nicely done ballet dancer. I cant wait to have the privilege again to see your work, well done.

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Foreverland responds:

Thank you very much kind sir! I'm glad you found it worthy of sharing! Thanks for watching and reviewing and stay tuned for more!


You weren't kidding with the title, i saw this as a great mix of everything anime. Your animation and character designs were outstanding, each and every single character had there own look which was fantastic. The backgrounds shouldn't be forgotten either especially in the grassy scenes outside, they were just so perfect for the scenes. The song was little too much, but it would have been a controversial song no matter what you chose because this is so random that its hard for one song to capture all of it. I would love to see what you were capable of, maybe you could make a proper anime short with a storyline?

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I like how you were able to create something that was current, the only problem with that though is that in a couple of years i don't think people will remember wild hogs, but for now i found it pretty funny. Love your style, your main character has such a personality now that we, the audience, are now will informed of him and are immensely interested in the choices he is making during each episode. I have to give props to the voice acting again, it sounds like such a hard voice to produce so i hope your not destroying your voice box reading the lines out, heh.

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parks2 responds:

Hey thanks for the nice reviews Hamy-jamy- glad you like em.

And yes, KFK's voice actually kills my throat for the rest of the day!


Wha?, you hit me with a huge shot of intensity that lasted just mere moments, but was able to haunt me afterwards. I found only one thing to criticize and that was the length, i would love to have seen the story unfold just alittle more, but teasing the viewer with the short length makes them want more. The voice and its various distortions were great, some really magical efforts there. The story was as if it had been plucked straight out of a real dream it was that good. Loved the dark colors and the claustrophobic feel.

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I would like to give as many authors as i can, straight to the point feedback with my reviews. So it would be nice if you could return with a response :)

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